Película de animación 3D “The Life of Trees”
AnimaciónSiguiendo el concepto de EDUTAINMENT la historia mezcla entretenimiento y educación. Emocionante e informativa al mismo tiempo, esta combinación crea el mejor efecto de aprendizaje. Creada en formato FULLDOME – un nuevo tipo de espectáculo de cúpula completa. Este espectáculo fulldome muestra el fascinante mundo de los árboles mostrando la importancia de las plantas para …

The Room (Tribute to Pablo Picasso)
DiseñoMotiongraphics“Las Meninas” ha sido reconocida durante mucho tiempo como una de las pinturas más importantes de la historia del arte occidental. Se trata de una pintura de 1656 de Diego Velázquez. Esta obra animada está basada en las pinturas de Las Meninas de Pablo Picasso, una serie de 58 pinturas que pintó en 1957 realizando …

Docente profesional certificado. Udemy Business.
CursosUdemy Business es una selección exclusiva de cursos de alta calidad que las empresas pueden compartir con sus empleados. Para mi es una oportunidad que te permite incrementar mis ingresos, sin limitarme a los estudiantes de la tienda virtual, para seguir creando contenido de valor. Solo el 3% de todos los cursos son elegidos para …

Experimental “Ocho cuerpos blandos”
Experimental“8 cuerpos blandos” es un corto de animación experimental en el que se muestran los diferentes comportamientos de partículas sobre geometrías complejas. Estos proyectos se utilizan de referencia para los estudiantes de animación y efectos visuales. El comportamiento de la geometría está basado en propiedades físicas aplicadas a sistemas de partículas que deforman la geometría …

Serie de animación “EnRedando”
Animación“EnRedando” en un proyecto de animación de varios episodios creados a través del Plan Avanza. Utiliza la tecnología web 2.0 para desarrollar una novedosa experiencia de aprendizaje en línea. Consiste en el diseño de un juego colaborativo y multijugador que, a través de una serie animada de varios capítulos, mejora el aprendizaje de los conceptos, …

Proyecto Collage “What is the answer?”
DiseñoWhat is the answer? Es el título de un proyecto digital compuesto por nueve ilustraciones collage basadas en un punto de vista crítico. Nueve ilustraciones con la misma respuesta hahaha. 01. Sta Dreamer. What do you dream about? 02. Miss Lovely. Do you really love me? 03. My Little Pet. Are you kidding me? 04. …

Fulldome Show Visual Performance “Empathy 360º”
AnimaciónFulldomeEmpathy 360º fue un espectáculo de performance visual en formato fulldome presentado en el Planetario de Río de Janeiro. El contenido proyectado en esta enorme cúpula fue creado para artistas fulldome de todo el mundo y editado en tiempo real por Vjs (Spetto, Zaz, etc). Tuve el placer de trabajar en este proyecto eléctrico de …

Ayto Valladolid & Predif “Concurso de excusas”
MotiongraphicsCampaña animada creada para el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid y Predif sobre el respeto a las plazas de aparcamiento para personas con movilidad reducida. “Concurso de excusas” Campaña animada. La idea creativa se transformó en un concurso de excusas. El lenguaje visual se adaptó al estilo de las típicas cabeceras de los concursos televisivos, incluyendo un …

Reel multidisciplinar “rasinmotion”
ReelEn esta reel multidisciplinar recopilo fragmentos de los proyectos en los que he participado en tareas de animación, diseño, videojuegos, motiongraphics, composición y masterclasses para formación. One More Time ( Ofshane )+ Info www.rasinmotion.com | @rasinmotion. #3d #2d #animation #videogames #design #storytelling #modeling #vfx #composition #education #motiongraphics

Visual Scripting / Blueprints / Estructuras
VideojuegosEl scripting visual es una forma gráfica de manipular objetos y comportamientos sin tener que escribir código desde cero. La lógica se construye conectando nodos visuales entre sí, lo que permite a los artistas, diseñadores y programadores crear sistemas interactivos y de juego de una manera sencilla. Game Player / Blueprint scripting visual / Videojuego …

Técnicas de representación de productos
AnimaciónEjemplo de presentación de producto impartido en una masterclass (Studio3). Contenido incluido en el Curso de Renderizado de Producto. Aprenda a crear renders de productos en tiempo real utilizando los dos softwares 3D más utilizados en la industria. Contenido en español con subtítulos en español. Valoración actual de los alumnos 4,9/5. Check Out More: rasinmotion.com …

Masterclass VFX “Champion Boxing Club”
CompositionChampion Boxing Club es un proyecto desarrollado en una Masterclass sobre integraciones y efectos visuales para la formación en Studio3.Science, una escuela de nuevas tecnologías en Valladolid. Aquí podéis ver el resultado final del antes y el después. En ella se muestran todos los procesos, desde la creación de personajes hasta el renderizado y composición …

Lamborghini Urus. Tecniques 3d for Real Time Render.
AnimaciónInteractive Animation Montage for a Master Class about Render in Real Time at TechSchool (more info below). Learn how to create high level renders in real time using the two most used 3d softwares in the industry. Spanish Language and Spanish Subtitles. Course Rate 5/5 (actually). Check Out More: rasinmotion.com Courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/ruben-alvarez-oficial/ Music Theme: I …

Product Spot – Techniques. Headphones Microsoft.
AnimaciónProduct Presentation Spot created for a 3d MasterClass and Product Render Online Course. Learn how to create Product Renders in real time using the two most used 3d softwares in the industry. Spanish Language and Spanish Subtitles. Course Rate 4,9/5 (actually). Check Out More: rasinmotion.comCourses: udemy.com/user/ruben-alvarez-oficial/Music Theme: Livin’ Up (Sting) – Otis McDonald

El Flaco (Music Video) Victor Rutty-RoberDelPyro-Dj Kaef
CompositionI had the opportunity to work with my old friend and great filmmaker Dani Jaleos and his team for MAD91 to create this dramatic and cinematography music video ” EL FLACO “ from new Victor Rutty´s album. El Flaco, the new music video #VictorRutty #RoberDelPyro & #DjKaef Credits: Instrumental: #RoberDelPyro Mix & Master: #BaghiraFilm directed …

Screwman Dance (Workflow MasterClass at Tech School)
CompositionScrewman Dance is a vfx clip created for 3d / vfx / animation classes for Studio3.Science School. This character use a basic rig created with Character Studio Tools. Final animation (design, movement track, animation, color correction, final Out ) Check Out More: rasinmotion.comCourses: https://www.udemy.com/user/ruben-alvarez-oficial/Music Theme: Dancebroom Riddim – Konrad OldMoney#modeling #shading #lighting #animation #editing

“The Casting” Cortometraje.
AnimaciónUn casting de un robot especial que muestra sus raras habilidades. Keyframe animation.

Model Presentation. Techniques 3D. Vintage.
AnimaciónModel 3D Presentation created for a 3d MasterClass at Studio3 School and Product Render Online Course (more info below). Learn how to create Model 3D Presentations (Renders High Level) in real time using the two most used 3d softwares in the industry. Spanish Language and Spanish Subtitles. Course Rate 4,9/5 (actually). Check Out More: rasinmotion.comCourses: udemy.com/user/ruben-alvarez-oficial/Music …

Game Player / Blueprint Visual Scripting / Videogames
VideojuegosGame Player / Blueprint Visual Scripting / Unreal 5 / Videogame Intermediate programming with Urneal 5 scripted visual blueprints.

Reel inmersivo fulldome 360 “rasinmotion”
AnimaciónFulldomeReelCompilación de trabajos inmersivos 360 Fulldome para proyectos científicos, institucionales, animación infantil, planetarios, marionetas, promocionales etc. Técnicas aplicadas: animación 3d, animación 2d, motiongraphics, imagen real, marionetas, etc. Soporte: cúpulas hinchables, cúpulas rígidas, planetarios, portátiles.

Personaje educacional “CHUPP Versatile”
AnimaciónCHUPP es un personaje simple automatizado para mejorar el entendimiento de los alumnos en los procesos de creación de personajes para animación 3d, así como los conceptos y principios básicos para la animación con personajes. Este es un test de animación donde se comprueba el funcionamiento de algunas de las funciones programadas mediante parámetros de …

Master Class VFX “Chupp in the forest”
AnimaciónCHUPP es un personaje simple automatizado para mejorar el entendimiento de los alumnos en los procesos de creación de personajes para animación 3d, así como los conceptos y principios básicos para la animación con personajes. Con este ejercicio de integración VFX los alumnos no solo comprenden las fases de la creación y automatización del personaje …

SilverStorm El Salvador Rugby (campaign)
DiseñoClub de Rugby El Salvador, called SilverStorm El Salvador for sponsorship reasons, is a rugby team from the city of Valladolid, Spain, which was founded in 1960 under the auspices of French Catholic priest and professor Georges Bernés, who introduced rugby at Colegio El Salvador, located in Plaza de San Pablo in Valladolid. CatchWord: In …

Playing Physics 3D (Non Rigid Bodies)
AnimaciónPlaying Laws of Physics “Playing Physics 3D” (Animation Particles Only. No Rigidbodies Objects) ” Playing Physics 3D ” is part of lessons based on animated particles simulating dynamics and collisions between particles events / behaviours exploring the typical poblems. Playing Laws of Physics. No Dynamics System. No Rigidbodies Objects. Only Particle Systems. Exercises designed and …

WhistleBlower (presentation animation ServiceNow´s app)
MotiongraphicsWhistleBlower “Corporate and Social Responsibility, made easy!” Whistleblower is a new innovative and easy to use that provides: An intuitive portal available for both logged-in users and guests.Anonymous submission, access and update of claims relating to workplace wrongdoing.A configurable claim resolution process. Resolution tasks that can be assigned to specific individuals for completion, while keeping …

HealthChecker (presentation animation ServiceNow´s app)
MotiongraphicsHealthChecker “Stay Secure, Stay Productive, Stay Healthy” HealthChecker checks compliance with more than 90 best practices and allows you to ‘nip your developers’ bad habits in the bud’, reduce security breaches or coordinate an action plan to end technical debt accumulated over time. How is this possible? Join us and we will show you. animation …

Covid-19 (#quedateencasa campaign)
MotiongraphicsCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. Staying at home will help control the spread of the …

StayLance “How you can become in a “staylancer”
MotiongraphicsStayLance is a new tech-travel platform connecting open minded professionals with welcoming hosts around the world. By exchanging skills and knowledge for accommodation, StayLance allows people to travel, work, play and experience a new way of life. This is a little #animation piece describes how easy is become you in a staylancer. Check out more: …

” Rinopez ” ( Loop Animation Opening Monestudio )
MotiongraphicsRinopez is an animation loop opening for Monstudio Check out more: rasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.com

Ballbot Rig (online masterclass animation)
Animación“Ballbot rig” was created for a animation online masterclass to explain the diferentents kinematics and their uses and methods. This is the sample animation I did for this masterclass. The movement was combined with Indirect and Direct Kinematics. The camera animation was create with a simple transformation rig. No plugins in this scene. Explore > …

Valladolid Consolida (Motion graphics Campaign )
MotiongraphicsFree business consolidation program for Pymes on city of Valladolid. Developed by “Camara de Comercio of Valladolid” and the “CVE”, funded by the City Council of Valladolid through the Agency of Innovation and Economic Development. Explainer motiongraphics video for “Valladolid Consolida” campaign. rasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.comcamaradevalladolid.comcve.es

Rasinmotion´s Merry Christmas 3D Animation
AnimaciónRasinmotion´s Merry Christmas Animation 2016 Edited theme “Avientu ” ( Jahzzar )

Practic@TIC Puppets Animation Serie
AnimaciónPractic@TIC was a serie for TDT which I worked four years ago. The puppets was filmed in green screen and then was done the composition. Part of my tasks were remove the green color, compositing each set, puppets and real actors integration, props animation and effect! It was a funny project for Ilusa Media and …

Character Animation for Videogames Class
AnimaciónVideojuegosCase Study ” Previsualization Animation for Videogames ” ( Characters and action camera animation ) Keyframe animated exercise created for animation classes of “3d animation and vfx master” for “Studio3 School.” ( Character animation and action camera animation ) Check out more examples on @rasinmotion rasinmotion.comstudio3.science

Eurobelt´s Commercial (3D Motiongraphics)
AnimaciónMotiongraphicsEurobelt´s New Product Commercial Eurobelt is currently one of the world leaders in Plastic Modular Conveyor Belts. Explainer video for Eurobelt. Design, animation and storytelling Check out more: eurobelt.com rasinmotion.com monestudio.com tunemotiva.com

The history of Eurobelt (Motiongraphics Video )
MotiongraphicsEurobelt is currently one of the world leaders in Plastic Modular Conveyor Belts. This is their history. Explainer video for Eurobelt. Design, animation and storytelling Check out more: eurobelt.comrasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.com

Tribute to “Vicente Aleixandre”
MotiongraphicsVicente Aleixandre fue un poeta español perteneciente a la Generación del 27. Académico de la RAE desde 1950, ocupando el sillón de la letra O. La realización de este proyecto se ha realizado con técnicas mixtas. Escribió mayoritariamente en verso libre y es altamente surrealista. Este es un proyecto personal tributo a uno de los …

Urban Green Up (Explainer Video)
MotiongraphicsUrban Green Up ( Explainer Video ) URBAN GreenUP is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Its objective is the development, application and replication of Renaturing Urban Plans in a number of European and non-European partner cities with the aim to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve air quality and …

Teaser Preview VFX for a shortfilm “Rec Bot”
Composition“Rec Bot” is a dramatic short film about the obsolete technology. Music theme edited “On The Wire” by Rocked Up Album

Travel for the imagination (Tribute to Joan Miró i Ferrá)
MotiongraphicsTravel for the imagination is an immersive travel through some of most famous pictures by Joan Miró i Ferrá . Catalan painter Joan Miró combined abstract art with Surrealist fantasy to create his lithographs, murals, tapestries, and sculptures for public spaces. This is my personal little tribute to one of the greatest and most influential …

Identity / Brand Opening (rasinmotion)
AnimaciónThe beauty of the behavior of the physics. Rigid bodies moving by the push of the fluids are one of the most interesting resources to transmit the passions are. Through this “rasinmotion” identity work I want to transmit the idea that the passion is the most powerful tool to get the success any project (audiovisual …

Ammonia_Trapping (Explainer video)
MotiongraphicsExplainer video for Ammonia Trapping project. Ammonia Trapping is a completely innovative project that consists of developing a membrane with the capacity to trap molecules of ammonia gas (NH3) released into the atmosphere. Animation and storytelling realized with Mon Estudio for Ammonia Trapping project. Check out more : ammoniatrapping.commonestudio.comrasinmotion.com

Tribute to Generation of ’27 (A Motion Graphic Video)
MotiongraphicsThe Generation of ’27 (Spanish: Generación del 27) was an influential group of poets that arose in Spanish literary circles between 1923 and 1927, essentially out of a shared desire to experience and work with avant-garde forms of art and poetry. Their first formal meeting took place in Seville in 1927 to mark the 300th anniversary of the death of the baroque poet Luis de Góngora. Writers and intellectuals paid homage …

Blinky Escape (VFX Exercise for a Masterclass)
CompositionBlinky is the three eyed orange fish found in the ponds and lakes outside the nuclear power plant. The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant caused the mutations from Simpsons “Blinky Escape” is an exercise for students at Studio3.Science. The entire project was realized in 12 hours. ( This is my little tribute a Simpsons serie ) …

“Plan Retorno del Talento” (explainer video)
MotiongraphicsExplainer video for Town Hall of Valladolid. “Plan Retorno del Talento” is a pioneering talent recruitment program framed in the Municipal Employment Plan to support and facilitate the return to those people who have left Valladolid and want to return. Design, animation and storytelling realized at Mon Estudio for Town Hall Valladolid. Check out more: …

Love / States of Heart / States (Motiongraphics Video Art)
AnimaciónExperimentalLove is represented by a heart. This is my personal tribute to the most common states of the heart ( Love ) Tribute to Love / States of Heart / StatesLove is represented by a heart. This is my personal tribute to the most common states of the heart ( Love ) Theme edited : …

Reinova Project (Motiongraphics Video)
MotiongraphicsREiNOVA is a cross-border cooperation project between Portugal and Spain that aims to promote innovation in micro-enterprises in the agri-food sector, in external markets. Explainer video for Junta Castilla y Leon. Design, animation and storytelling Check out more: reinova.eurasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.com

RemoUrban Project (Motiongraphics Video)
MotiongraphicsAn explainer video about RemoUrban project ( motiongraphics ) REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation (REMOURBAN) A sustainable urban regeneration model leveraging the convergence of energy, mobility and ICT to transform European cities into Smart Cities. Motion design and storytelling Check out more: remourban.eurasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.com

Tribute to Pedro Salinas poet (Poetry Motiongraphics)
MotiongraphicsPedro Salinas was a spanish poet member of the Generation of ’27. I based this work in one of his verses of ” La voz a ti debida “ This is my personal tribute to one of the best poets that i read. :)

CSIF “Campaigns Merry Christmas”
AnimaciónLittle animated pieces for “The Independent Trade Union Center and of Officials ” CSIF Animation created for Christmas campaing (mailing and social media!) Edited theme “Inner Light” ( Kevin MacLeod ) CSIF “Merry Christmas 2019” Campaign “Por ti, Contigo ” “Por ti, Contigo” 2019 Campaign Edited theme “Snow_Falling_on_a_Quiet_Valley” ( Seth_Partridge ) csif.esrasinmotion.com

Tribute to Guernica (painting) A motion graphic video
MotiongraphicsProbably Picasso’s most famous work, Guernica is certainly the his most powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi’s devastating casual bombing practice on the Basque town of Guernica during Spanish Civil War. “Intense point of view of #Picasso ´s Guernica painting on this immersive”

BCNVision (Corporate Video Presentation)
MotiongraphicsBcnvision is a company dedicated exclusively to the design, installation and maintenance of artificial vision systems for the industrial sector. Explainer video created for a special event for an industrial fair. Check out more rasinmotion.combcnvision.com

Promoting video “Pact Night Leisure campaign”
MotiongraphicsPromoting video Pact Night Leisure campaign for Valladolid Council The City Council of Valladolid, the federations of neighborhood associations Antonio Machado and Conde Ansúrez and the Provincial Association of Business Owners of Hospitality (Apeh) have signed on Tuesday the commitment to a nocturnal leisure “civic and responsible with the rest” of the neighbors. Motion design …

Campaña Escuela de Diseño ESI
MotiongraphicsDiseño colorido y animación fresca para promocionar la nueva imagen de marca de ESI (Escuela de Diseño) en Valladolid. Diseño, storytelling, animación, composición. rasinmotion.commonestudio.comtunemotiva.comesivalladolid.com

“Proyecto Concept Lines”
Concept“Concept Lines” es un proyecto arquitectónico surrealista basado en conversaciones telefónicas (basado en personas) Hace un tiempo, mientras hablaba por teléfono con clientes, familiares, colaboradores, amigos, etc comencé a dibujar líneas con diferentes trazos en una vieja libreta definiendo varios conceptos de edificios surrealistas. Cuando sonaba el teléfono, lo primero que hacía era coger mi …

“anfix” (Promote Video Graphic Design)
CompositionA promote video for ” anfix “ Production, graphic design and animation. Check out more anfix.comEnglish Version goo.gl/OXUUIc

“Inspiring PICTURES” Opening Animation
Animación3d design and animation for “Inspiring PICTURES” opening. Storyboard for the animation by jrcasas.com Fonts (tipography) and the feather modeling. The scene is ready for animation. Shading and lighting for the final render. Final render compositing. Sounds efects and bso composed by Aritz Villodas Motion design, animation and render rasinmotion.com Original design by jrcasas.com

Love (the worst side of the love)
AnimaciónExperimentalAn experimental and conceptual work about the worst side of the love. Love (the worst side of the love)

Dot (energetic & dynamic motion about a special form)
AnimaciónMotiongraphicsThis is a mixture animation based on a dot (form) This piece is composed by 2d forms, 3d elements, pictures, particles, etc . It begings like a class exercise for my students at SP Academy. Everything begins with a dot. A creative vision about a dot. Dot (an energetic and dynamic motion about a special …