Showing 21 Result(s)

Practic@TIC Puppets Animation Serie

Practic@TIC was a serie for TDT which I worked four years ago. The puppets was filmed in green screen and then was done the composition. Part of my tasks were remove the green color, compositing each set, puppets and real actors integration, props animation and effect! It was a funny project for Ilusa Media and …

Character Animation for Videogames Class

Case Study ” Previsualization Animation for Videogames ” ( Characters and action camera animation ) Keyframe animated exercise created for animation classes of “3d animation and vfx master” for “Studio3 School.” ( Character animation and action camera animation ) Check out more examples on @rasinmotion

Identity / Brand Opening (rasinmotion)

The beauty of the behavior of the physics. Rigid bodies moving by the push of the fluids are one of the most interesting resources to transmit the passions are. Through this “rasinmotion” identity work I want to transmit the idea that the passion is the most powerful tool to get the success any project (audiovisual …

CSIF “Campaigns Merry Christmas”

Little animated pieces for “The Independent Trade Union Center and of Officials ” CSIF Animation created for Christmas campaing (mailing and social media!) Edited theme “Inner Light” ( Kevin MacLeod ) CSIF “Merry Christmas 2019” Campaign “Por ti, Contigo ” “Por ti, Contigo” 2019 Campaign Edited theme “Snow_Falling_on_a_Quiet_Valley” ( Seth_Partridge )

“Concept Lines Project” Architectural Project

” Concept Lines Project “ is an animated architectural project based on telephone conversations ( based on people ) Some time ago, while talking on the phone with clients, family, partners, collaborators, friends … people, I started to draw some lines and different strokes in an old notebook defining various concepts of surreal buildings.  When …

“Inspiring PICTURES” Opening Animation

3d design and animation for “Inspiring PICTURES” opening. Storyboard for the animation by Fonts (tipography) and the feather modeling. The scene is ready for animation. Shading and lighting for the final render. Final render compositing. Sounds efects and bso composed by Aritz Villodas Motion design, animation and render Original design by